Wearable Tech

Wearable Tech

Covering wearable devices, from fitness trackers and watches to other innovative forms of tech, that you can wear.

spy agency dreams surveillance underwear spying with video

US government awards contracts for smart surveillance clothing

Computerized clothing
Forward-looking: The US government has embarked on a 42-month journey to make what it calls performance-grade, computerized clothing a reality. Products developed through the program could assist government agencies within the intelligence community, such as the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, in their tasks. Additionally, these products could prove valuable to first responders and individuals operating in high-stress environments.
apple vision pro apple wwdc future vr opinion headset augmented reality ar mixed reality futurology spatial computing

I got to play with the Apple Vision Pro and saw the future of computing. Again.

Editor's take: I was one of the lucky few who got to attend Apple's WWDC keynote presentation in person, and also got to try the new Apple Vision Pro headset for a 25-minute hands-on, er, heads-on demo. The experience was very good – as it certainly should be for a product that's going to cost a whopping $3,499 – but it was also a bit more similar to other devices I've tried over the years than I initially expected it to be.
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